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Premium Colour Solutions

It’s pretty simple - colour either matches or it doesn’t. We pride ourselves in delivering precise colour matching for invisible repair with colour. Whether National Rule or low VOC, Prospray Finishes offers premium solutions and outstanding colour, all within a fully-integrated system. Combine Navigator with the 282,000 formulas in the ProSpray PaintXpert™ software and you've got an easy-to-use, powerful set of tools that delivers satisfaction to customers all over the world

Prospray® offers premium solutions and outstanding color, all within a fully integrated system. Practically every OEM color formula is available in Color Focus 2.0 Software. This intuitive color information system is a must have for the professional repair and refinishing shop. The software has a user-friendly interface and can be connected to the 5-angle Spectro and to many popular scales.

5-angle Spectrophotometer
Color Focus 2.0 interface plus easy to update and calibrate.
Download spectro software here.


Color Chips
The Valspar® Global Color Box features over 8,000 color chips arranged by OEM.


Color Information Books
Two color books—one for solid colors and one for basecoat effect colors with sprayed samples that provide a reliable picture of the finish.


Tinting Selection Guide Poster
A tinting selection guide is also available and poster-size to display by the bank to assist with mixing and matching.


The original Intermix System from Prospray Finishes features a full range of refinishing products, from surface prep to undercoats and toners—all 86 original colors. This standalone system includes both National Rule and low VOC mixed colors, and is supported by multiple color tools including PaintXpert™ software, a tinting guide and global color books.

PaintXpert™ is an easy-to-use, powerful tool that gives multi-users access to thousands of color formulas for domestic and import formulas. Compare, create and store variances, plus track inventory using this software, plus:

— Color retrieval software can be easily downloaded from the Prospray website and is accessible via PC/Laptop.

— Color formula updates pushed to PaintXpert automatically.

Color Tinting Guide

The ultimate roadmap to using Prospray Finishes

Understanding Color Matching

Best practices for Color Matching